Moving Into Boundless Love

February brings the idea of romantic love to our senses. With gorgeous bouquets of fragrant passion red roses. Pink paper hearts that float in storefront windows. All of the sweet sentiments of devotion to one's beloved.

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Alicia Gordy
Embodiment Practice

Try these simple embodiment practices any time that you feel angry, overwhelmed, over stimulated or unsafe.

Take a pause. Find stillness where you are. Bring your attention to your breath--notice where in the body your breath is landing.

Now follow the breath as it comes in through the nose, hits the soft pallet of the mouth, travels down the back of the throat, into the chest and down into the belly. Your exhale is just a relaxing...a letting go. Follow every millimeter of your breath.

After a few rounds of slow, rhythmic breathing look around your space.  Notice what is pleasing to you, beautiful or something that brings a feeling of joy. It could be a color, or a plant, anything. Just notice. Allow your gaze to rest there or move the gaze slowly around your space noticing what is good, beautiful and pleasing to you.

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Alicia Gordy
Befriending Breath

Pilates’ equipment is designed to give feedback and deepen connections in our tissues. It has lever and pulley systems teach resentence and challenge the use of abdominal activation. This activation changed how I participated in my yoga practice. Yoga and Pilates provide a balance to me. In my Pilates I work inside of a frame seeing how well I can control motion, perfecting my craft. In my yoga practice my heart can open and my ribs can stretch and my legs can leave the corner of my mat and I can sit in child pose for the hour if I want.

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My first love. The one who cracked me open so that I could live my life fully with intention and presence. I’ve been fascinated with the breath and it’s ability to change lives for over a decade.

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Guest User
The Breathing Room

Breathing room is something all of us need. That’s why we chose it for the name of our studio, “The Breathing Room”. It’s not necessarily a tranquil repose, unless that’s what you need at the moment…

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