Loving Kindness Meditation

Find a quiet spot and a comfortable seat. You may even choose to be lying down. Place your hand over your heart. Close the eyes or perhaps softly gaze at something beautiful, a stone, a flame or a flower. Bring your awareness to your breath and follow the breath as it comes in through the nose and down to the belly. Find a soft even rhythm with your breath.

Once the body, breath and mind have found a little ease. Call to mind a time when you felt deeply loved. Stay with that a moment. Then call to mind a time when you have loved deeply. Again staying with that for a moment. Notice how that feels in your body to be loved and to have loved. Is it warm, cool, dark, tingly? Notice where that feeling lives within your body. Is it in your belly, your heart? There is no right or wrong answer. Just sense how love feels and where it resides within you.

Once you have brought awareness to that place within you let go of the memory of love and sit with just the feeling of love.

Holding that, begin the following:

May I be happy

Mav | be healthy

May I know peace

Mav I be free

May you be happy

May you be healthy

May you know peace

May you be free

May all be happy

May all be healthy

May all know peace

May all be free

Repeat as many times as you wish. As you prepare to close your meditation bring your awareness back to the place with in you that feels love. Notice if the sensation has changed. Again, there is no right or wrong. As you exhale imagine love emanating from that space out into the world. And as you ex-hale feel love return. This beautiful pulsation of life and love.