Connecting to the Heart

The following meditation practice can be used anytime you want to reflect and connect. To get clear on what your heart and soul truly desires. If you need clarity on how to move forward in a meaningful way, give this meditation a try. 

Find a comfortable seated position on the floor or in a chair. If sitting on the floor sit with your hips on a pillow or bolster so they are positioned above your knees. If sitting in a chair it is best to have legs uncrossed with both feet flat on the floor. Once in your seat allow your hands to intuitively rest on the body. Maybe a hand rests on your heart. There is no right or wrong. 


Now sit with your spine and back of your neck long bringing your shoulders back in line with your ears to encourage opening across the front of your heart. Take the effort out and allow yourself to be soft. Soften your rib cage down. Feel your hip creases soften. Close your eyelids or hold a soft gaze just in front of you.


After a few moments of simply sitting and feeling your seat underneath you, bring your awareness to your breath. Get really curious as you follow the inhale in and exhale out of the 

nostrils. Notice where the breath goes as it enters the body and how it feels as it exits the body. Allow the body and mind to soften more and more with each inhale and exhale. Take some time simply sitting and breathing with an even inhale and exhale. Once the mind begins to wander lovingly guide your attention back to the breath. Inhale. Exhale.


Bring attention to the inhale now as it enters the nose and meets the throat and soft palate of the mouth. As your mind continues to settle and soften, rest your attention there on the soft palate of the mouth. Any remaining stress or tension in the body continues to soften and let go.


After several moments here bring your attention to the brain. Take your time as you move your attention to the space between your brain and your skull. As you move your awareness here continue to relax and be aware. Perhaps in this space, you notice a presence or a light. An openness or spaciousness here. Continue to relax.


After several moments here travel your attention down to your heart space. Remember to take your time to get there. There is no rush as you move your awareness from your brain to the heart. Moving presence from the brain to the heart. 


Now you will begin moving your awareness on the flow of your breath. Inhaling from the heart back to the brain and exhaling from the brain to the heart. Exhale bring light and spaciousness from the luminous mind to the heart and inhaling presence back to the crown.


Moving effortlessly as you breathe. The heart becomes lit with the same luminosity as the mind. 

Now completely rest in the Heart. Having opened the door to your heart. Feeling a sense of wholeness, unconditional joy, and love. Having returned to the truest and unchanging part of who you are. From this space ask what is your heart’s deepest longest. How are you to move forward in the most meaningful way. The words may come as whispers and they may not come right away. Stay open, soft, and receptive to what is to come. 

When you are ready to return bring your awareness back to your breath. Feeling the whole body now expand with an inhale and soften with an exhale. Allow the inhale and exhale to expand — perhaps opening the mouth to exhale for a round or two. You can rub your palms together and place them on your heart as a reminder of your practice and to move forward from this space. Then as you return to the present moment softly blink your eyes open.

Alicia Gordy