
In one breath everything can change.
We are given the ability
To be inspired.
To be present.
To let go.
To unwind.
To unravel.
To go within.
To begin again.

The breath will always take us where we need to go. It relieves tension from the body, relaxes the mind, and softens the heart.


My first love. The one who cracked me open so that I could live my life fully with intention and presence. I’ve been fascinated with the breath and it’s ability to change lives for over a decade. Teaching others how to find their own personal power through breathwork has been one of my greatest joys.  When we show up to breathe and pay attention to more than just the physical, we realize the answers we have been busy searching for are not outside of ourselves, rather are housed inside. Our relationship to ourselves is the most important one we will have in our lifetime. Learning to breathe through each piece life offers is a sacred gift we can allow ourselves.  

Written by Mary Katherine LeMaster, creator and CEO of Breathe Big. A multi-faceted personal development company born out of a need to learn how to slow down, be more present and live mindfully.

Nikki Mihalik